All distances at Kennedymarch*EU are designed for sport walking. We calculate the maximum speed at 8.0 km/h, the minimum speed at 4:00 km/h. This determines the opening times of the refreshment points. As the Kennedymarch*EU is an official Kennedymars according to the rules of the Koninklijke Wandel Bond Nederland (KWBN), we must insist that only walking and not running is allowed.
For this reason, we will only count times that fall within these time windows:
Marsch | 8,0 km/h | 4,0 km/h |
Kennedymarch | 10:00h | 20:00h |
Marathon | 04:30h | 10:30h |
Half marathon | 02:15h | 05:15h |
For the other distances, we cannot prevent anyone from covering the distances on all fours, hopping on one leg or otherwise, but we strongly advise against it, just as we strongly advise against running.
Can Nordic walking poles be used? Walking poles may be used on the marathon and half marathon routes. Please take care not to obstruct anyone with your poles. If you are using Nordic walking poles and notice that another participant is approaching within two meters, immediately carry both poles in one hand and do not use them until the other person is outside the ‘stumblezone’. This is also and especially the case at the start or when people are walking in a group. Walking poles may not be used on the Kennedymarch*EU.